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Another lovely day in Dublin

Writer: moughtymoughty

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

St. Stephen's Green

Having checked my weather app before I left the States, I expected rain every day this week. Much to my surprise, it has been lovely...a bit windy but no rain (so far). The leaves are starting to change (something I miss in Florida) and the ducks are swimming on one of the ponds on St. Stephen's Green. There wasn't much happening yesterday. Two of the research trip participants arrived and I spent some time in the National Library. Today five more participants arrived and tomorrow is the big day when the rest of the group arrives.

There is an extensive amount of construction all over Dublin, and that includes the National Library. The Genealogy Room has moved across the hall...for those of you who have been here in the past, they are now in the room where the microfilm readers used to be. The Manuscript Reading Room has been relocated to the 1st floor of the building at the end of Kildare Street. I wanted to take a picture of the room, but the guard would not allow it. I stood by the door and got a bit of it. The space used to be Exhibit space and now is all glassed in.

There are no meeting rooms left in the main building so our orientation on Monday is going to be in the old GO building a few doors down from the Main Library.

Here are some comments from Shirley, who arrived yesterday and had her consultation today.

Epic - what an amazing Experience, outstanding displays and stories .
I also took advantage of the 50% ticket to the post covid newly opened Customs House. There is a self guided tour explaining the beginnings to the near fatal end and the rebuild. Built between 1781-1791, customs taxes and wills were in the building until spring 1921 when the Irish Republican Army decided to burn it, using the records of taxes and wills. As a family History researcher it was shocking to learn how the 'Wills' were part of the plans.
I am so happy with my appointment with the Family History Centre! My Research Question was the most simplest ever: What is my next step? What can i find in Irish records to help me learn more and have correct dates and places for my immigration ancestor to Ontario Canada and parents back in Ireland? Maura was able to find several records and gave me direction on where to look and how to research my Irish couple. Now I have to review and plan, yet I much more enthusiastic about the research as I know it is in the right direction.

Happy Hunting!


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